Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chicken or Egg, Which one come first ?

Egg is laid by chicken, and chicken definitely come from egg. So, which one come first?

Seems like simple issue, some of us maybe thinking that, oh.. why should we think of this stupid stuff? as long as I can live my life happily, can eat chicken whenever I want, buy eggs when necessary, this question not such thing that I have to think of seriously.

Yea you are correct.. me too never bother of this kind of issue, till today I had realized that it is somehow related to me, and maybe some of you. I am not chicken breeder by the way ;)

Today I had a talked with my mentor, Miss Jagjit Kaur. During the conversation of half an hour, we discussed on a few issues that arising in my team. One of the issue that I am highlighted is on change attitude. By not explaining the whole issue here, it is about people seem difficult to accept changes in life. Then decided not to change at all.

She, as usual, always with a wise word, said that now here come to chicken and eggs story. Chicken laid egg, but at first where egg come from? If the egg not coming from chicken, the thing that come from that egg wouldnt call as chicken and vise versa.

Related to the change, without changes, your life not having any difference, and to change, people need to feel the difference and from that they gonna be changed or vise versa!

So, which one come first? Chicken or egg?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Everyday is a Good Day

I received this wonderful and very nice story from my mentor, Miss Caroljit. This story made me realized that, actually, every single day that I experienced, either good day or bad day, is decided by me. That decision is came from my mind, and I have full control over it. So, ask yourself:

"Why I must choose to have the whole bad day, instead of enjoying great good day?"

This story will explain how we can decide either that day is a good or bad day...

Once upon a time, there lived a hard-working and loving family.
Sambo was the youngest of eight children.
Every morning before school, the children's mother would wake them up with her sweet voice.
Good morning, my children. Today is going to be a good day.
The children would wake, go outside, and do their chores.
The chores were very difficult, and none of the children liked doing them, especially Sambo.

You see, Sambo disliked getting out of bed in the morning to do his chores.

After the chores, their mother always prepared a hot breakfast for them. The children would eat and walk to school.

After school, they would hurry home to do their afternoon chores so they would have time to play before getting ready for dinner.

One morning, his mother came and said,

"Good morning, my children. Today is going to be a good day."

Sambo did not get out of bed.

His mother repeated, "Get up, Sambo. Today is going to be a good day."

Sambo replied, "Momma today is not going to be a good day. Today is a bad day, and I want to stay in bed."

His mother said, "Okay Sambo, you stay in bed since today is a bad day."

Sambo had a smile on his face as he went back to sleep.

His brothers and sisters snickered at Sambo as they went to do their chores.

Sambo fell back to sleep.

An hour later, he woke up to the sound of his brothers and sisters laughing at breakfast.

His stomach growled.

He was very hungry.

Sambo walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

He sat down at the table with his brothers and sisters.

When he put two BIG pancakes on a plate, his mother stopped him and said,

"What are you doing Sambo?"

"Momma, I'm so hungry," Sambo replied.

Momma said, "Oh no. Sambo today is a bad day. You go up to your room, and go back to bed."

Sambo looked sad, "but I'm hungry Momma."

"Remember today is a bad day Sambo. Now go back to bed."

Sambo walked slowly back up to his room with his stomach still hungry.

He was very sad.

You see, in his room there were no toys, TV or computers.

Nothing but his bed and a stuffed bear.

All day long Sambo sat in his room alone and hungry, until finally he heard his brothers and sisters come home from school.

They ran upstairs to change their clothes for chores before they went to play.

Sambo went down with the other children to do his chores when his mother saw him.

She said, "where are you going Sambo?"

"Out to do my chores, Momma."

"Oh no, Sambo. Today is a bad day. Now go back up to your room."

Sambo started to cry on the way up the stairs.

He thought to himself, "I am so hungry and bored. I hope Momma lets me eat later."

When dinnertime came, Sambo walked slowly down the steps to see if he could get something to eat.

He was met at the bottom of the steps by his mother.

She said, "Oh no, Sambo. Today is a bad day. You need to go back up to bed."

Sambo woke up the next morning to the sound of his mother.

"Good morning, my children. Today is going to be a good day."

Sambo jumped out of bed and cheerfully said to his mother:

"Yes, Momma. Today is going to be a good day!"

Every day is a good day, as long as you choose to make it a good day.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Salam sejahtera pembaca sekalian,

Post saya kali ini dalam bahasa kebanggaan saya, Bahasa Melayu. Post kali ini tidak lah berunsur politik, tetapi berdasarkan pengamatan saya pada apa yang berlaku disekeliling kita.
Siapakah pemimpin? Apa yang pemimpin biasa lakukan? Apakah ciri-ciri utama seorang pemimpin?
Semestinya, seorang pemimpin itu adalah individu, yang mempunyai daya kepimpinan, mampu bertindak atas kapasiti seorang ketua, mampu membimbing kumpulannya dan yang penting yang meraih sokongan dan hormat secara tulen dari kelompok masyarakat pimpinannya. Pemimpin bukan lah individu yang dilantik oleh golongan tertentu, dan memaksa golongan tertentu menerima pimpinannya. Pada pendapat saya, penerimaan kepimpinan seseorang secara semulajadi dalam masyarakat adalah sesuatu yang sangat sukar, dan hanya individu yang berciri pemimpin sahaja boleh melakukannya.
Tidak kiralah sama ada di pejabat atau mana-mana organisasi, takrifan pemimpin adalah tetap sama seperti diatas.
Apabila pemimpin itu diterima secara semulajadi, maka apa jua keputusannya sangat dihormati. Kumpulan di bawah pimpinannya akan menerima secara bulat hati, dan menganggap keputusan yang dibuat adalah untuk kebaikan kumpulan, dan tidak bermotifkan matlamat tertentu. Maka, secara tidak langsung, proses membuat keputusan, dan pentadbiran kumpulan akan berjalan dengan mudah dan lancar.
Apabila pemimpin ini berkata-kata, sebulat suara akan bersetuju tanpa soal jawab. Pendapat pemimpin ini sangat dinanti-nanti oleh kumpulan pimpinannya. Kehadirannya dalam sesuatu majlis, atau himpunan sangat dialu-alukan. Sokongan yang diterima adalah bukan paksaan. Maka pemimpin ini tidak perlu risau sedetik pun akan kesetiaan ahli-ahli kumpulan nya.
Bagaimana untuk menjadi pemimpin yang disanjungi sebegini rupa?
Pemimpin ini seharusnya bijak menyesuaikan diri dalam apa jua keadaan. Ada masa perlu tegas, maka tegas lah dia, ada masa perlu bergurau senda, maka ketawa lah dia.
Pemimpin ini, apabila dikritik, menerima kritikan dengan hati yang terbuka dan bersedia untuk berubah.
Pemimpin ini, pandai dan bijak membuat keputusan secara kolektif, dan bukan berdasarkan tanggapan individu.
Pemimpin ini, apabila tiba masanya dia mengkritikan anak buahnya, kritikan akan dibuat secara terus tanpa berselindung, tetapi ahli kumpulannya tetap menerima kritikannya tanpa banyak soal, sementelah mengetahui itu adalah untuk kebaikan dirinya juga.
Pemimpin ini, sentiasa berfikir kehadapan, tidak sesekali menyalurkan negativity kepada kumpulannya, dan tahu hala tuju kumpulan pimpinannya.

Adakah anda pemimpin berciri sebegini? Tidak kiralah kumpulan sekecil mana pun atau sebesar manapun, pemimpin berkualiti melahirkan kumpulan yang disegani dan kuat, bersatu padu, senada dan tiada cakap-cakap belakang.

Latihlah dan bentuklah diri agar menjadi pemimpin yang berwibawa di mada hadapan kelak.

Kesilapan yang dibuat pada hari ini adalah guru pada masa hadapan.

Salam ceria...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why Me???

Greetings to all,

Everyday, there must be at least once I complaints about anything. From the small thing like the drink is too sweet to a thing such why always traffic jam in KL. But, without realize, I actually have many things to be happy with. Such as, I have enough food everyday, I have place to stay and sleep, and I have friends to mingle around..

Have you ever question yourself, when you faced a difficulties, WHY ME? Why God choose you to face this kind of challenge?

This story is very good to learn on the question WHY ME..

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.

From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed:
"Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied: "The world over -- 50 million children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, when I was holding a cup I never asked GOD 'Why me?'. And today in pain I should not be asking GOD 'Why me?' "

Happiness keeps you Sweet,

Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrow keeps you Human,
Failure keeps you humble and
Success keeps you glowing,
but only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going.........

I would love to end up my post today with what I hold and keep on remind myself when I am facing huge challenge, which is from Surah Al-Baqarah, 216 and 286

" ..but you may dislike something which is good for you, and you may like something which is bad for you. God knows while you do not know... "

" God never burdens a soul beyond its means: to its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits"

So, Be Happy!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It is a foregone conclusion that you will never reach great heights of success if you perform at high levels only when others are watching you.

The most exacting standards of performance should be those you set for yourself, not those set by others for you.

When your expectations for yourself are higher than your boss’s expectations for you, you will never have to worry about job security.

If you work to your highest standards, the results will take care of themselves."

Work for myself, not for others.. put higher standard to my work.. hence world in mine

SPY your competitors

Create competition between yourself, and also the other competitors out there..

Regardless of how strong, smart, or broad your knowledge is, you need to spy on your competitors. Not only is this important, this is also the reason HOW you can bring your business to the next level.

Think about this...

"Why do we SPY on our competitors?"

Why do we NEED to know what the steps they take in their business is?

It has nothing to do with conquering them.
It has nothing to do with isolating them.
It has nothing to do with trying to eat up their
market shares.

Instead, it has to do with finding a way to improve our business and take it to the next step. Business is all about serving customers and alliances, as well as the well-being of your team members.

When you SPY on your competitors, you are actually learning ways to IMPROVE your business. You learn how you SERVE more people in the longrun. When you do this, you are able to create a wider prospective about your business as a whole picture.

Dont stay in your own shell.. Get out and do more!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Law of Garbage Truck

Have you ever heard of this law? First time I heard of this, I smiled. After I went thru what it is all about.. then I wondering, this Law is Correct.
I got this good law from my mentor, Miss Caroljit Kaur. Now I would like to share with you what this Law is all about. I should give a credit to Mr David J. Pollay because of his interesting law. I hope this will benefits millions ppl out there.. Never keep garbage truck close you. =)

The Law of Garbage Truck - By David J. Polay

" How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive colleague ruin your day? Unless you're a robot, you are bound to blow your top off. However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly he or she can get back his or her focus on what's important.

Sixteen years ago, I learned this lesson. I learn it in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here's what happen. I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches!

The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly. So, I said, "Why did you do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"

And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now called, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck'.

Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. If they happen to dump it on you, don't take it personally.

You just smile, wave, wish them well, and moved on. You'll be happier if you did that rather than fight them.

So this was it: 'The Law of the Garbage Truck'.
I started thinking, how often do I let garbage trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the street? It was that day I said, "I'm not going to do it anymore."

I see garbage trucks everywhere and everyday. I see the load they'recarrying. I see them coming to drop it off.

And like my taxi driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good parents know they have to welcome their kids home from school with hugs and kisses. Teachers and parents know that they have to be fully present and at their best for the people they care about.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. What about you? What would happen in your life, starting today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by?

Here's my bet. You'll be happier. So ... love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don't. Believe that every thing happens for a reason. If you get a chance, TAKE IT! If it changes your life, LET IT! Nobody said it would be easy ....

They just promised it would be WORTH IT

So, would you still wanna ride beside the garbage truck? Be Happy!! Put a smile in your face! Then the whole day is yours!!

Ducks Quack, Eagles Fly

Everything happen, is actually come from our perception and thought. Simple example, let say today I am deciding to have fun, and everything is work as per plan, so the whole of my day is gonna be perfect! But, let say today I feel unmotivated, the whole day gonna get spoiled. This following story, which I received from my mentor really have lots of powerful meaning inside.. Let's have a look:

Ducks Quack, Eagles Fly

No one can make you serve customers well. That's because great service is a choice.

Harvey Mackay tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point.

He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey .

He handed my friend a laminated card and said:
'I'm Wally, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk I'd like you to read my mission statement.

'Taken aback, Harvey read the card. It said:

Wally's Mission Statement:
To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment.

This blew Harvey away. Especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean! As he slid behind the wheel, Wally said, 'Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.'

My friend said jokingly, 'No, I'd prefer a soft drink.'

Wally smiled and said, 'No problem. I have a cooler up front with
regular and Diet Coke, water and orange juice.'

Almost stuttering, Harvey said, 'I'll take a Diet Coke.'

Handing him his drink, Wally said, 'If you'd like something to read, I have The Wall Street Journal, Time, Sports Illustrated and USA Today.'

As they were pulling away, Wally handed my friend another laminated card. 'These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you'd like to listen to the radio.'

And as if that weren't enough, Wally told Harvey that he had the air conditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him. Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day. He also let him know that he'd be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights or, if Harvey preferred, to leave him with his own thoughts.

'Tell me, Wally,' my amazed friend asked the driver, 'have you always served customers like this?'

Wally smiled into the rear view mirror. 'No, not always. In fact, it's only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard the personal growth guru, Wayne Dyer, on the radio one day. He had just written a book called You'll See It When You Believe It. Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'll rarely disappoint yourself. He said, 'Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd. That hit me right between the eyes,' said Wally.

'Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.'

'I take it that has paid off for you,' Harvey said.

'It sure has,' Wally replied. 'My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I'll probably quadruple it. You were lucky to get me today. I don't sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can't pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action.'

Wally was phenomenal. He was running a limo service out of a Yellow Cab. I've probably told that story to more than fifty cab drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call. The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn't do any of what I was suggesting.

Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles.

How about u?

Are you duck or eagle? Have you decide that?

A Leader Should Know to Manage a Failure

(Former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam at Wharton India Economic forum , Philadelphia, March 22,2008)

Question: Could you give an example, from your own experience, of how leaders should manage failure?


Let me tell you about my experience In 1973 I became the project director of India's satellite launch vehicle program, commonly called the SLV-3.
Our goal was to put India's 'Rohini' satellite into orbit by 1980.
I was given funds and human resources -- but was told clearly that by 1980 we had to launch the satellite into space.
Thousands of people worked together in scientific and technical teams towards that goal.
By 1979 -- I think the month was August -- we thought we were ready.
As the project director, I went to the control center for the launch.
At four minutes before the satellite launch, the computer began to go through the checklist of items that needed to be checked.
One minute later, the computer program put the launch on hold; the display showed that some control components were not in order.
My experts -- I had four or five of them with me -- told me not to worry; they had done their calculations and there was enough reserve fuel.
So I bypassed the computer, switched to manual mode, and launched the rocket.
In the first stage, everything worked fine.
In the second stage, a problem developed.
Instead of the satellite going into orbit, the whole rocket system plunged into the Bay of Bengal. It was a big failure
That day, the chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization, Prof. Satish Dhawan, had called a press conference.
The launch was at 7:00 am, and the press conference -- where journalists from around the world were present -- was at 7:45 am at ISRO's satellite launch range in Sriharikota [in Andhra Pradesh in southern India].
Prof. Dhawan, the leader of the organization, conducted the press conference himself.
He took responsibility for the failure -- he said that the team had worked very hard, but that it needed more technological support.
He assured the media that in another year, the team would definitely succeed.
Now, I was the project director, and it was my failure, but instead, he took responsibility for the failure as chairman of the organization.
The next year, in July 1980, we tried again to launch the satellite -- and this time we succeeded.
The whole nation was jubilant.

Again, there was a press conference Prof. Dhawan called me aside and told me, 'You conduct the press conference today.'

I learned a very important lesson that day.
When failure occurred, the leader of the organization owned that failure.
When success came, he gave it to his team.

The best management lesson I have learned did not come to me from reading a book;
it came from that experience.

Compelling Reason

My dearest mentor, Jagjit Kaur always stress on how important the compelling reason in my life. This is something that I could not compromised with. And for many months, I always don't have any clue what compelling reason is all about. Meeting with her, always end up she assigned me to find what is my Compelling Reason. I created one, then after a few days, I decided my 'compelling reason' that I created is not really my compelling reason. Why? It is not pushing me much!

What is compelling reason?

According Dato' Vijay Eswaran, Founder of QI Group and Managing Director of The-V, compelling reason, or dream is something that keep me going, which keeps me outthere pushing myself, not making me tired because I am so focused in what I am doing.
Let's read what is he wrote about compelling reason:

" If this dream is not compelling, you will not do anything to achieve it. It should push you forward to do something.

If you are looking at the predicament of an impoverished village, or of a dying best friend or of a homeless child, it evokes so much compassion and pity in you, , so much that you feel: “I want to do something for this person. I want to build a hospital. I want to give them a school…” There is a reason first, and then it compels you, it drives you. Compelling reason is something that makes you get up every morning to do something you strongly believe in.

The first step towards achieving success is in understanding yourself and finding that compelling reason to reach your dream. Identify the driving force which will take you out there everyday, face rejections, come back home and take you back the next day.

Most of us are not sure what our compelling reason is. If we don’t have a reason pushing us forward, nothing can be achieved. No one else can tell you what your compelling reason is.

You have to BE more before you can do, and you have to DO more before you can have. Compelling reason defies logic; it does not allow you to be tired. It makes your think bigger. Because you know that there is something to be achieved.

The only secret to achieving your dreams is to help people around you achieve theirs, giving hope to people who lost it. It is in raising yourself to help mankind. If your compelling reason is beyond material needs, it is even more compelling."

Then again, what is my compelling reason??


Welcome to visitor,

This blog is dedicated to myself, and whoever visit this blog. Basically this blog is about my journey in my life. The post is mostly touch on what do I learn everyday, what quote that basically touch me, and maybe sometimes on my daily activities.
This blog is free to be visit by everyone.
Next post will come soon..