Tuesday, July 8, 2008

SPY your competitors

Create competition between yourself, and also the other competitors out there..

Regardless of how strong, smart, or broad your knowledge is, you need to spy on your competitors. Not only is this important, this is also the reason HOW you can bring your business to the next level.

Think about this...

"Why do we SPY on our competitors?"

Why do we NEED to know what the steps they take in their business is?

It has nothing to do with conquering them.
It has nothing to do with isolating them.
It has nothing to do with trying to eat up their
market shares.

Instead, it has to do with finding a way to improve our business and take it to the next step. Business is all about serving customers and alliances, as well as the well-being of your team members.

When you SPY on your competitors, you are actually learning ways to IMPROVE your business. You learn how you SERVE more people in the longrun. When you do this, you are able to create a wider prospective about your business as a whole picture.

Dont stay in your own shell.. Get out and do more!!


mn said...

Salam Farah,

1. Wau...u r bsnswomen ?

2. Welldone...Tahniah. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki selalu.

3. Actually I pun minat bekerja kat oversea. Jika U nak tambah pekerja tambahan let me know k. I can go to any country..insyallah

The Botak Man said...

Sdri. Farah,

I am impressed by your enterpreneurship (hope I got the spelling correct!).

Keep the enterpreneurship spirit flying high!

May Allah bless your endeavours.
